Sunday, August 15, 2010

Zaszz's Model Wish List

I am sure most of you out there are no rich enough to buy every model you want.  Personally I am running on a budget and constantly planning and re-planning what order I will buy them in.  When I spend time on the GW site I really do turn into a kid at a candy shop.  Here is my current list:

High Elf Lord on Dragon
Skaven Grey Seer on Screaming Bell

Skaven Doomwheel
Chaos Battalion Box Set

Then of course there are plenty of rumors going around on the various forums discussing the up coming High Elf model releases.  They say there will be all plastic Phoenix Guard, and White Lion kits, I will have to pick up at least 20 of each of those models.  Maybe more if they are of the quality we are seeing with the Isle of Blood release.  My god I will be broke forever at this rate. 

Pictured: Crack Dealers
 That is no exaggeration.

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