Friday, August 27, 2010

Quick Reads: Confirmed Skaven and High Elf model releases

Hey guys just another quick read post. If you do not feel like trying to find the best places to read about hot topics in the Warhammer community just stop by the Quick Read section of this blog to get smart quick updates. We do the finding, you just get the heart of the topics.

Today's Quick Read is about the up coming model releases, if you read up on the Games Work shop site you may have seen an article posted up about up coming Skaven and High Elf releases to compliment the Island of Blood set. Here is a list of the models coming out.

Skaven Releases:
Itik Claw (resculpt)
A resculpted Thanquol
Hellpit Abominaation
Plastic Weapon Teams
3 Blisters of Named metal Rat Ogres
Skaven Slaves Slings Bitz Pack
And finally one Skaven art book/heraldry book

You can see one of the new named Rat Ogres here.
Check Games Workshop under advanced orders to see more!
High Elf Releases:
Plastic Box Set-White Lions
Plastic Box Set-Dragon Princes
Plastic Box Set-Phoenix Guard
New battalion with 20 spears, archers, a chariot, and a bolt thrower
A metal Prince on Foot
New spell cards
Two unknown metal sets, which may be an Eagle, and a Noble on an Eagle

Here is a kind of crummy leaked image of the new battalion set, you can see the contents if you look closely.

Personally I am very excited to see how they make a Hellpit Abomination as currently it has no model and the new models seem to be the best models they have made to date. I am also very excited for the High Elf plastic kits which I have written about in another post.

Thanks for reading!

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